This wrench was supposedly made in America… Have you ever thought about the importance of the tools you use for your car? If you work on your own car, you’re always seeking high-quality products that can help you maintain and improve your vehicles....
What Happened to Home Garage Arts? Home car repair is a lost art. Repair used to go hand in hand with car ownership. The earliest car owners maintained their own vehicles. Chauffeurs were expected to have mechanic skills. Literature from the period stories of drivers...
Did you know it was illegal to repair your car in some states? But, the 2020 Right to Repair Act, passed in Massachusetts, makes it legal to repair and modify items you’ve bought yourself or through a repair shop of your choosing. In Massachusetts, the law is...
How to Deal with Mistakes Wrenching on your car would be all good if it weren’t for mistakes. The difference between a daily driver and a new addition to the salvage yard is your ability to recover from mistakes. It’s unlikely that you will never make a mistake, so if...
One of life’s greatest inconveniences can be a lack of transportation. And, maybe you don’t want to take an Uber or buy a bus pass for every time you want to go somewhere. But, buying a new car is such a big investment. Say you’ve been saving for a car, and you have...
Counting the Cost We have argued that it’s better to replace your engine than to replace your car if the engine dies. We also told you that it’s cheaper to swap your engine by yourself at home. Now we’ll prove it. We’ll compare the cost of engine replacements at the...