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That Cop Should Have Given me a Ticket

police car Sometimes, I think that cop should’ve given me a ticket Like, on Christmas Eve one year: I’m driving down the street and coming up on a traffic light. I see the light is turning yellow. And then it turns red, and I just keep driving–right...

Why is There so Much Catalytic Converter Theft?

catalytic converter Your Catalytic Convertor Could be Worth Almost as Much as Your Car As if things weren’t bad enough, now thieves are stealing parts off cars from your driveway. Thefts of catalytic converters have gone up 20x in the last 2 years. Why is that?...

What is Your Time Worth?

I posted a TikTok on how much my engine swap cost. I got some pushback on how long it took. Someone asked me how much my time was worth. Others criticized me for wasting time; one person said that the work I put in was not worth enough money for his time. But if you...