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Engine Replacement as Part of Maintaining Crossover SUV

new car engine
new engine

So it turns out that engine replacement is part of maintaining a Crossover SUV. But what other options do you have if you’ve got more than two children? A minivan is too small. Everything else is too ugly.

And the Crossovers are very expensive and tend to have major engine problems after about a hundred thousand miles, requiring you to replace your engine. Which I did myself, and I couldn’t find a whole lot of information out there.

So I created a course hoping that maybe I could help other people who might have the same problems as I did. I broke the course up into 30 different one-hour instructional pieces and recorded it with the camera on my head and another camera following me around.

Which is Better: No Bumper, or Wooden Bumper?

Rear end of dirty car without rear bumper.

When my wife was 20 years old, she bought her first car, an old Gran Torino station wagon. It had chrome all the way around the front and back bumper, but the back bumper was kind of hanging off and would scrape the ground whenever the car bounced. Her brother borrowed the car one night and  brought it back without that rear bumper problem. Her dad took a 2×8 floorboard, spray painted it silver, and attached it to the back of the car. He thought it would look fine from far away. My wife completely disagreed. So what do you say? Which is better? No bumper or silver painted wooden bumper?

car with wooden bumper

Wasted Money on Another Part from Amazon

My lawnmower needed a new carburetor. The ones on Amazon are between fifteen and twenty dollars each. The ones made by Briggs and Stratton, the people who made the lawnmower engine are about 10 times as much. So I bought the Amazon one, put it on, and adjusted the idle screw.

It was either too low; the lawnmower would hardly keep running, or it was so high that the engine takes four times as much gas to mow the lawn. Plus, it sounds like it’s going to tear itself apart.

So what do I do?

Do I go back to Amazon and maybe pick up another $20 one, or go to Briggs and Stratton and pay 10 times as much?

Get Your Copy of the Engine Replacement Course!

Step by step instructions and high-definition videos walk you through the whole process of the engine removal and replacement. The entire comprehensive engine replacement course is available for order right now!

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